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Cooking Catalogs

Cooking Catalogs – Cooking For A Mexican.

Cooking Catalogs


  • A complete list of items, typically one in alphabetical or other systematic order, in particular
  • A publication containing details and often photographs of items for sale, esp. one produced by a mail-order company
  • (catalog) catalogue: make a catalogue, compile a catalogue; “She spends her weekends cataloguing”
  • A list of all the books or resources in a library
  • (catalog) a book or pamphlet containing an enumeration of things; “he found it in the Sears catalog”
  • (catalog) a complete list of things; usually arranged systematically; “it does not pretend to be a catalog of his achievements”


  • the act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat; “cooking can be a great art”; “people are needed who have experience in cookery”; “he left the preparation of meals to his wife”
  • (cook) someone who cooks food
  • Food that has been prepared in a particular way
  • The practice or skill of preparing food
  • The process of preparing food by heating it
  • (cook) prepare a hot meal; “My husband doesn’t cook”

cooking catalogs

Lighting 102- Assignment – Cooking Light

Lighting 102- Assignment - Cooking Light
When I first read this assignment, I thought, "cool, this is right up my alley." I love cooking and our kitchen is filled with "tools." It was more difficult than I expected because I was trying to make a photograph that looked like something out of a Williams-Sonoma catalog. I changed the subject, the lighting, the composition, etc. and just wasn’t really happy with the results. I was also frustrated because the idea is to use lighting to make things more interesting. I was not happy with the subject and composition so I never really got to play around with the lighting.

This shot consisted of an SB900 shot through an umbrella CL. The strobe was 1/8 power and zoomed to 50mm. I also used a silver/gold reflector CR to help lift the shadow area between the measuring cup and spoon. The reflector also made for a better highlight on the handle of the measuring spoon.

One of the difficult things I learned with this shot is the reflection of the lens was obvious unless I positioned the lens in the space between the the measuring cup and spoon. At least there, the reflection from the cup bounced into the spoon and vice-versa. I also learned that our measuring cups and spoons are well-worn so the whole "catalog product shot" would probably require new items. I’ll just say I was going for the "broken in" look.

Lastly I made the shot B&W to try and bring out the texture in the wood cutting board and rolling pin. On camera, the colors of the wood appeared similar. I would have preferred a darker cutting board or rolling pin. Since I didn’t have either, I figured the B&W would break up the similar colors by bringing out the different textures.

As usual, I am open to criticism and critique. I am not thrilled with this shot (or any I took) so I will add this to the list of things I’d like to try again.

Cooks Garden catalog

Cooks Garden catalog
Cooks Garden catalog